Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. It is important because cyberattacks can cause damage to individuals, businesses, and governments, such as data breaches, identity theft, financial losses, and reputational harm. 

A cyberattack is an intentional and malicious effort by an organization or an individual to breach the systems of another organization or individual. The attacker’s motives may include information theft, financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Cybersecurity threats reflect the evolving nature and sophistication of the cyberthreat landscape, which requires a robust and adaptive response from the defenders.

Why is cybersecurity important?

In today’s connected world, everyone benefits from advanced cyberdefense programs. At an individual level, a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like family photos. Everyone relies on critical infrastructure like power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies. Securing these and other organizations is essential to keeping our society functioning.

Everyone also benefits from the work of cyberthreat researchers, like the team of 250 threat researchers at Talos, who investigate new and emerging threats and cyber attack strategies. They reveal new vulnerabilities, educate the public on the importance of cybersecurity, and strengthen open source tools. Their work makes the Internet safer for everyone.

Types of cybersecurity threats


Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent emails that resemble emails from reputable sources. The aim is to steal sensitive data like credit card numbers and login information. It’s the most common type of cyber attack. You can help protect yourself through education or a technology solution that filters malicious emails.

Secure Email Solution 

What Your Business Needs to Know About Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering

Social engineering is a tactic that adversaries use to trick you into revealing sensitive information. They can solicit a monetary payment or gain access to your confidential data. Social engineering can be combined with any of the threats listed above to make you more likely to click on links, download malware, or trust a malicious source.


Ransomware is a type of malicious software. It is designed to extort money by blocking access to files or the computer system until the ransom is paid. Paying the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be recovered or the system restored.

Stop ransomware in its tracks | Ransomware Defense Solution

Ransomware Attacks: Deciding to Pay or Not to Pay - Blog | GlobalSign

5 Types of Malware and How to Identify Them


Malware is a type of software designed to gain unauthorized access or to cause damage to a computer. 

Malware protection | Secure Endpoint

Our Solutions

Network Security

It is important to have network security because it helps to ....

Operational Security

Looking at operation form enables OPSEC teams to discover issues ....

Application Security

Application security can be applied during all phases of development ....

Information Security

Information security aims to prevent data breaches, comply with regulations ....

Endpoint Security

According to Verizon’s threat report, up to 30% of data breaches involved ....
How to Protect Your Business?

Basic Tips

Control Access: Put controls on databases with your sensitive information. Limit access to a need-to-know
basis, and only for the amount of time a vendor needs to do a job.
Use Multi-factor Authentication: This makes vendors take additional steps beyond logging in with a password to access your network — like a temporary code on a smartphone or a key that’s
inserted into a computer.
Secure Your Network: Require strong passwords: at least 12 characters with a mix of numbers, symbols, and
both capital and lowercase letters. Never reuse passwords, don’t share them, and
limit the number of unsuccessful log-in attempts to limit password-guessing attacks.
Safeguard your data: Use properly configured, strong encryption. This protects sensitive information as
it’s transferred and stored.
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